If your signature does not appear or seems to be outdated, you can use this article to troubleshoot the issue.
My signature does not appear
No error messages
If the signature doesn't appear but there are no error messages, the add-in might not be installed. To confirm, click New Email and look for the button Manage Signatures.
Your email cannot be found in the users list
If you receive the following error message Your email cannot be found in the users list, you will need to contact your manager or UpSlide administrator. If you do not know who your UpSlide administrator is, feel free to reach out to support@upslide.net.
Your administrator can check the following in the UpSlide portal to resolve the issue:
- You don't have an UpSlide license.
- You have an UpSlide license, but you don't have the Outlook Signatures option.
- Your administrator has not created any signatures yet.
Your email has been detected as a duplicate
If you receive the following error message Your email has been detected as a duplicate, there might be different signatures attributed to your email address. Reach out to support@upslide.net to fix the issue.
Please reset user information
The following error message An error occurred while inserting your signature: please reset user information can be caused by various elements. It can happen if your network connection is not working or is unstable, the signature format is invalid or the add-in hasn't been installed properly.
To resolve the issue, reset your signature:
- In Outlook, click New Email and Manage Signatures.
- Click Reset info icon at the bottom of the window.
My signature is not correct
If your contact information is outdated, or some fields are missing, your company's Azure Active Directory might not be up-to-date.
To fix it, start by resetting the information:
- In Outlook, click New Email and Manage Signatures.
- Click Reset info.
- If your contact information is still outdated, contact your IT department to update your profile. Then reset your signature again.
You can also edit your contact information directly in the pane. Click on the textbox, replace the content with your correct information, and then click OK.