Any network or SharePoint path can be used as a shared folder, provided that all team users have read and write access to it. The path also supports Windows environment variables such as %userprofile%. The default shared folder is included in UpSlide's setup, which means that all UpSlide users start with the same path.
It can be changed later in two ways:
- Centrally and remotely: the Portal Manager can change the default repository in the Portal. The changes will be retrieved by UpSlide on the user's machine automatically (the Use team settings checkbox must be ticked on the user's side, and your network security must allow communications with our server).
- Locally: Each user can overwrite the default repository in their Settings->Templates & Styles. This is especially useful for administrators who need to back up local changes and export their customization without making it available to other users.
SharePoint specificities
When administrators publish template modifications on Sharepoint, part of the template’s information is stored in an "upslide" column. This information is necessary for UpSlide to identify the file.
Therefore, when setting up a customization path in Sharepoint, you have two options:
- As an UpSlide administrator, you don't have to do anything if you have Sharepoint rights that allow them to modify the Document Library used to store the .upslide customization files. When publishing your first changes, the column will be created automatically.
- If the administrators can’t modify the Document Library, your IT must manually create the column.
To create the "upslide" column in Sharepoint:
- Click Add column, then select Multiple lines of text as the column type. You'll need an Edit right or more to add a column to a Document Library.
- Name the column "upslide" and click Save. There is no need to fill in anything else. Once the column is created, you can publish your changes without issues.