Here are the most commonly asked questions when you're maintaining the Dyanmic Libraries.
Error in the user pane source file contains invalid data
This error indicates there is something incorrect in the data file. This is usually either:
- Some rows which are only partially filled
- Many rows where one (or more) columns have been filled with an incorrect data type
Partially filled rows
If the total count of rows is higher than the number of tombstones in your data file the cause is partially filled rows. Commonly this is where you may have added formatting or dragged formulas down in your data file but not completed all the other columns of data.
Incorrect data type within a column
If the total count of invalid data is high this suggests rows have been entered as or formatted with something different to what UpSlide is expecting to interpert. E.g. Within a value column if you enter some written text like Pending. Other times you may have copied in dates that Excel does not recognise. You can check the dates using native Excel numer formatting.
Tombstones appearing without logos
If the image path set in the data file does not match with an image file name in the images folder, the related tombstone will show an error saying Image Missing. Within the data file check that the image path matches the image file name including its file name extension e.g. companylogo.png.
Editing your images if they appear too large or too small on the tombstones
All images (which are most commonly logos) on your tombstone or case study shape are set to pull through in a specific size. This means the size of the image is important. The redundant or ‘white space’ around images can seriously affect how your image is presented. Too much white space, and your image can appear too small on the image size. Too little white space and your image can appear too big.
You can amend the white space around your images using most photo editing apps. The gifs below are using Painter 3D.
If it is too small, reduce white space like this:
Open your logo in your photo editor app of choice. Drag and drop the cropping button around the logo, or manually amend the pixel numbers. Once you have edited your logo to your guesstimate of the correct size, make a note of the pixels/size of the logo you created.
If it appears too large you can add white space:
Open your logo in your editor app of choice. Look for the option to edit background, in Paint 3D, the option is to edit the ‘canvas’. Drag and drop to the correct size or edit the number of pixels manually. If necessary, lock aspect ratio. Once you have edited your logo to your guesstimate of the correct size, make a note of the pixels/size of the image you created.
Once you have either added or removed the white space around your logo, you need to check that the logo looks correct on your tombstone or case study. Do this by saving down the new logo and adding the updated logo file name to the relevant tombstone row in the image column of your data file. Open the tombstone via the tombstone library.
If the logo still doesn’t look quite right, go back and edit the logo again. Once you have the right pixels/size, you can use this when editing further logos.
Converting many image filetypes to another
The UpSlide Dynamic Library can accept images (such as logos) saved a variety of formats. You may want to make them all one type if they are used by other processes in your organisation.
We recommend using XNView Shell add-in so you can do this in bulk. Conversion process:
- Download the add in here
- Select all the picture you want to convert
- Right click
- Select XnShell
- Convert into
- Chose the format
If you want to convert more than 50 items a message will pop up. Just click on Yes to proceed. During this process, your old pictures will not be replaced but duplicated into the chosen format. You may wish to delete them later. To do so, sort your photos by type.