We have several features designed to help users access the latest content such as disclaimers. Here's a roundup of how you, as an administrator, can enable that.
Slide Check compatibility
Slide Check allows your user to open up an old PowerPoint presentation and shows them any out of date disclaimers, slides or any other item out of the library. As an administrator when you are maintaining the library you should ensure you use the Replace with selected object option when updating content. This is one step for you. If you delete items and add the new version as two separate steps UpSlide won't know they're linked.
Notifying your users of new content
When you want to draw attention to a change in an item you can force a notification to appear on your team machines. This is different to using Slide Check because it can help remind a user about an old file that they may want to update but wouldn't have opened it without your prompt. Click here to learn about notifications using the library.