You can set up distinct UpSlide configurations for groups of users with the UpSlide Portal. Options, libraries, templates and email signatures can be distributed to different user groups, and can be automatized with our provisioning system.
Will user groups benefit your organization?
All users and user groups exist within an account. The account has settings that apply by default to all those users. You will benefit from setting up user groups when you expect to have different configurations of UpSlide required within your organization because, for example, different teams will need different features or library content paths.
Setting up user groups
First, define the groups you expect to use and the attributes assigned to them. For example:
- Users who will need an Administrator option to manage the libraries content
- Users who will have access to a specific library
- Users who will have access to specific templates and styles.
A user can be a member of several user groups, so you don’t need to create a group for each combination of these criteria.
In the UpSlide Portal, go to the User groups page, and create all the user groups you have identified previously with the “Add a user group” button.
For each group, you can change their composition by clicking on the members icon. You can also automate the members’ management with your Microsoft Entra ID and the provisioning system (see below)
What parameters can be changed for these user groups?
After creating a first user group, the Portal pages will slightly change. You will be able to assign different settings to your newly created groups.
Libraries and Dynamic libraries
On the Libraries page, a user group dropdown now appears for each library and dynamic library.
By default, the libraries are assigned to everyone. You can manage which user groups should have access to each library.
Upon restarting UpSlide, users will gain access to the libraries associated with the user groups to which they belong. If a library is assigned to “Everyone”, all the users will gain access to this library, even if they are not a member of any user group.
Templates & Styles
On the same page, you can set different Templates & Styles locations
By default, the users will gain access to the Common location. In contrast to the above settings, a user can have access to only one location.
If you create a new location and assign a user group, users who belong to this group will gain access to this location. They won’t have access to the common location anymore.
Note that, if a user is eligible for more than one location, he/she will only have access to the location which is highest in the list.
On the Options page, a user group dropdown now appears for each library and dynamic library.
By default, the users only get the options you have assigned them in the Users page. On the Options page, you can also assign options by group of users (within the limits of available options)
Upon restarting UpSlide, users will gain access to:
- The options associated with the user groups to which they belong.
- The options individually associated with them through the user group page.
Link the UpSlide user groups with your Entra ID groups
This step is optional. You can automate the composition of your user groups with Microsoft Entra ID.
Enable provisioning in Entra ID
Follow the instructions in our guide to enabling provisioning. Come back here after you have followed the instructions to continue the steps below.
Setting up the groups in Entra ID
Before creating the UpSlide user groups in the Portal, you can add your Entra ID groups in the application you have created for the provisioning. Go to your application > User and groups and click on Add user/group.
When your composition is ready, you can start the provisioning by clicking on Start provisioning. Every user within a user group will appear in the Portal. It updates every 40 minutes.
Finally, you can assign an Entra ID group to an UpSlide user group at creation. Go to the user groups page, click on Add a user group, and assign the relevant Entra ID group.
When you add or remove a user from your Entra ID group, the UpSlide user group will automatically add or remove the member from this group (within the limits of available options).
Troubleshooting - Restart provisioning
If you were using the former user groups system, or if your Entra ID application users or groups seem to not appear on the UpSlide Portal, you may need to restart provisioning.
- Go to your Entra ID application linked to UpSlide
- On the left menu, click on Manage > Provisioning
- Click on Restart provisioning
If you are having trouble setting up provisioning and/or user groups please reach out to