Administrators are able to edit the Template Selector or Proposal Wizard to select new content that has been added into the Library and update the dropdowns within the Proposal Wizard.
The Proposal Wizard is controlled by a JSON file that determines which fields and options you see in the pop-up, and then makes decisions on which templates and content to pull based on the users decision. In our example Proposal Wizard, some of the slides selected are dependant on the sector the user chooses. Today they can choose between the Automotive and Pharmaceutical industries and this impacts the market commentary section of the Proposal. In our example we want to add a new sector for users to choose - Real Estate. To do this we will show you how to:
- Find and understand the structure of the JSON file
- Add the Real Estate option to the sector field in the Wizard pop-up
- Find the unique ID for the new Real Estate market commentary slides
- Write the logic so this deck is selected when a user chooses Real Estate for their sector
Accessing the JSON file
On the UpSlide toolbar (as an administrator user), you will find the Manage Templates button at the bottom of the Templates list. Select this and you will see a window appear. Navigate to your Proposal Wizard, select the ellipses and choose the Edit JSON Configuration.
This will open up the JSON file in your default text editor.
Structure of the JSON file
Once the JSON file opens there are three main areas we need to focus on when trying to add a new slide to the Proposal Wizard:
- WizardFields - This determines the options that appear when you select the Proposal Wizard as a user
- SlideDeckFromLibraryVariables - This determines which slides are pulled in when certain options are selected
- ConfigLists - This determines what options appear in the Proposal Wizard dropdowns (e.g. Automotive and Pharmaceutical in the Sector List)
Adding a new option to the dropdown
- Go to the WizardFields section of the JSON file and find the field for Sector
- At the bottom of this section you will see the name of the list that the values for field come from (Sector List in this instance)
- Go to the ConfigList area of the JSON file and find the Sector List area
- Here you will see all of the current options for the field, simply add a comma at the end of the last option, copy the previous section of code and then paste below
- Add in your new option (Real Estate) in the areas that previously said Pharmaceuticals
Finding the UpSlide Slide Library Item ID
Every slide in the UpSlide Library has a unique ID associated with it and we use this to tell the Proposal Wizard which slide to pull in when certain options are selected. You can find the ID by:
- Inserting the slide (Real Estate Market Overview) from the UpSlide Library
- Select the slide in your presentation and press Ctrl + Shift + X
- The log pane will appear on the right of your screen, go to Advanced and select Display Tags
- In the pop-up copy the UPSLIDESLIDELIBRARYITEMID into a document as we'll need this later
Writing the new logic for the slide
Now we need to write the logic in the SlideDeckFromLibraryVariables section of the JSON file (this is number 2 as indicated in the Structure of the JSON file section of this article). Your UpSlide consultant will have already written the general structure for the logic for this particular slide type (e.g. for the Market Overview slides), you should only need to add a new option within this.
General structure of the Slide Deck From Library section
This area is composed of three main sections:
- Id (red box) refers to the general slide type e.g. Market Commentary, Timeline or About us
- Inputs (yellow box) refers to the Wizard fields that you want to use to decide which slide to pull in
- Logic (green box) is where we write if Input 1 is A and Input 2 is B, choose slide AB
Adding a new option to the Logic
For these changes you should only be editing the Logic section of the SlideDeckFromLibraryVariables. To add our new line of for the Real Estate Market Commentary slide we need to:
- Copy a line of existing code within the Logic section
- Add a line beneath this area of code by pressing Enter and paste the code
- Change the Inputs to be the new parameters (e.g. Sector: Real Estate)
- Paste the UPSLIDESLIDELIBRARYITEMID for the Real Estate slide that we found in the previous section of this article into the Result
You can now save the JSON file and test to ensure when you select Real Estate in the Proposal Wizard, the correct slide is pulled into the Market Overview.
Exporting your Proposal Wizard changes to your users
The changes are now active on your machine only. Test the changes you have made before sharing the update with your team. Follow the instructions on this page to export the .UpSlide file so everyone has the updated templates.
Restricting access so only specific administrator users can edit the Proposal Wizard
If you work as part of a centralised administrator team at a large organisation we recommend you have some administrators who are only able to add/edit library content and a small number of administrators who can edit the PPT templates. To do this, request that your IT team only give write access to the customization path to those administrators that need to edit PPT templates. All other administrators (and users) should only have read rights to the customization path.