When you export data from Excel, UpSlide stores in Excel the fact that an export was made from that specific table/chart. When you later try to update, the UpSlide link system looks into all open Excel workbooks for potential sources.
If a single source is found, the update is carried out. If not, a warning is displayed. The picture below presents the different kinds of warnings you may encounter.
Warning Types
No Source
You will get this warning if no source is found in the open workbooks. You can double click the warning to open the Link Information window and open the last file used to update the link.
Be sure to save both your Excel and PowerPoint files when exporting content. To make sure UpSlide updates the right element, it stores information in both files. Not saving one would break the link, causing a no source issue.
Naturally, if the source was deleted in Excel or if you did not save the Excel file after exporting, this will not work and you will have to perform a new export.
Outdated Data
If the data you are trying to update is older than the data stored on the PowerPoint/Word document, you will receive a warning. This is to prevent people from accidentally overwriting new data with old data.
- You created a link but forgot to save the Excel file afterwards
- You are using an older version of the file as a template for every new version
Multiple Sources
If several versions of the source file are open when you click Update, UpSlide won't know which one to use and will display the warning. By double-clicking the error you can open the Link Information window (see below) where you can navigate between available sources. To visualize where the source is located in Excel, simply double-click on the sheet name.
When you have determined which source is the correct one, select it and click Use for Update. This will solve the conflict for this update and the following ones.